At The Sunrise

Mornings, O ever pleasant, joyous mornings,
What thrill to my heart are your callings!
The sparkling sun glitters at the window sill,
Smiling serenely and looking ever so tranquil.

Chirpy, little birds begin their morning banter,
Welcoming the day with a glorious grandeur.
Entranced by their sprightly melodies I embrace,
The tender breeze that manifests nature’s grace.

Gentle dew drops drape the earth with skillful flair,
The canopy of trees whisper in the morning air.
Mingled in moist and mist, it drenches my spirit,
With a surreal joy no wisdom can truly outwit.

I look at the horizon and break into a happy smile,
Watching nature’s splendour spreading every mile.
The sun fills its canvas with shades ever so intricate,
This bewitching beauty can an artist’s brush replicate?

#TheLittleThingsInLife #Mornings #Sunrise #Nature

By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His beloved Mother in Heaven.

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