The Blue Ocean And A Lone Ship

everything has a timeFar adrift a great, deep ocean blue,
A lone ship quietly sailed through.
Under the mighty sky by twilight,
It drifted along with no land in sight.

Morning came and all was still the same,
The test of time is ever so tough to tame.
Night changed into day and day into night,
Drearily the ship sailed on with no respite.

The occasional storms rocked her bleakly ship,
But she steered on relentless not losing her grip.
The crashing waves hummed their eager song,
And only miles of blue she saw all the way along.

A tremendous calm followed the tremulous storm,
Her heart mirrored in the ocean as it changed form.
A squall of turbulence followed by a placid quiet,
A pensive silence at times, at times a furor of riot.

Profound resilience gave her constant company,
As she braced herself for this ceaseless journey.
For goodness knows when she'll find her feet,
On those hallowed grounds, her final retreat.

But, of course, she knows she must quietly wait,
For the moment to arrive in its time and date.
For every purpose under Heaven must fulfill,
At the decided hour according to God’s holy will.

Because sometimes in life, you just have to wait.

#TheLittleThingsInlife #Loneliness #Destiny #InGodsTime

By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His beloved Mother in Heaven.

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