
Showing posts from 2018

A Square Peg And A Round Hole

Little Daisy was playing one day, When she saw a peg lying away. It had sides oblong and a square face, And pensively it sat in a corner place. And then she found a wooden plank, With a hole in it, looking idle and blank. She took the peg and tried to slip it in The hole in the plank with a little spin. But in this hole, the peg just won't sit, In such a place it felt an utter misfit. And sure was it, in there, it had no role, For it was a square peg in a round hole. Admire your edges and never try too hard to f it in . #TheLittleThingsInLife By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and His beloved Mother in Heaven You might also like :    The Story Of A Lamb    Of A Precious Little Flower    The Bird Who Refused To Fly    The Blue Ocean And A Lone Ship    Pearls Of Wisdom By Atticus Finch    Breaking Free : A Redemption Story    An Ode To Innocent Chuckles And Innoc...

Leaf By Leaf : An Autumn Song

Leaf by leaf each little one comes down, As it changes hue from green to brown. And each little one has a story to tell, Of the glories of its life before it fell. Of the days of joy in the bloom of spring, When the cuckoos and the babblers sing, Of the gleaming moon on a summer night, When it beams in full glow, pretty and bright. Of the rains that poured down with purpose, And with playful pranks tickled its surface. Of the whispering winds and their gaily song, As all the leaves gleefully murmured along. Of sheltering a weary man on a sunny day, As the scorching sun blazed its brightest ray. Of how it saw a little bird’s offspring hatch, And watched it learn life’s ways from scratch. And now as the dusk of its life is ever so near, It is all set to go, but spares a tiny tear. A tear of joy mingled with a twinge of sorrow, For life’s bounty's here today, and gone tomorrow. #TheLittleThingsInLife #Fall #Autumn #Nature By the gra...

The Rise Of The Fallen

The fiery sun hung low in the sky, The river tides were supple and spry, A deep crimson filled the horizon, As scarlet waters danced in unison. She sat down on a lonesome rock, With her heart full of qualms amok. For life had made her weathered and worn, And she stared at the sun, tired and forlorn.  The roaring river merrily gushed by, The wind whispered its gentle lullaby, She let it quietly seep through her soul, As God’s grace embraced her whole. And a voice from within her rose – Do not be distressed by the trials of life, And lose not your calm in the face of strife. Gather yourselves and hold your head high, Quiver not anymore or let out a tired sigh. For these troubling times will make you tough, Smoothen out the edges that are hitherto rough. Your struggles will make you great and strong, And prepare you duly for the place you belong. Like a fierce warrior you will bravely rise, From the ashes of your failures you wil...

From My Balcony : Putting Things Into Perspective

Ever since I have started paying attention, they have become inevitably ubiquitous -  on my way to work and on my way back home,  early in the morning and later in the evening - their chirpy, little birdsongs seem to be following me everywhere. The cuckoo has now given way to lesser known species such as the red- vented bulbul and the Indian rock-chat. The mynas are always out there, as are the pigeons, and slowly as the seasons change, I hope to learn more about different birds and the sounds they make. But as of now, I have this story to share. One morning, I woke up to tiny, little warbling sounds coming from our balcony like some newborn chicks were chirping away somewhere very close. I went to the balcony and peered all over the place, only to find nothing there. This went on for a few days until I finally gave it up as a bad job. Then one day, I was talking to our neighbour from across our other balcony, and she told me that a little bird had made its nest rig...

The Blue Ocean And A Lone Ship

Far adrift a great, deep ocean blue, A lone ship quietly sailed through. Under the mighty sky by twilight, It drifted along with no land in sight. Morning came and all was still the same, The test of time is ever so tough to tame. Night changed into day and day into night, Drearily the ship sailed on with no respite. The occasional storms rocked her bleakly ship, But she steered on relentless not losing her grip. The crashing waves hummed their eager song, And only miles of blue she saw all the way along. A tremendous calm followed the tremulous storm, Her heart mirrored in the ocean as it changed form. A squall of turbulence followed by a placid quiet, A pensive silence at times, at times a furor of riot. Profound resilience gave her constant company, As she braced herself for this ceaseless journey. For goodness knows when she'll find her feet, On those hallowed grounds, her final retreat. But, of course, she knows she must quie...

En Route To Somewhere : Some Quick Quips Along The Way (Part 2)

Life is a beautiful journey. But sometimes life sucks. And it is precisely in those times that we need to get our act together and work towards bettering ourselves, to rise above and beyond who we are in order to become what we wish to become. And while you are at it, here are some quick quips that you might find useful along the way. 

Of A Precious, Little Flower

Wondered a precious, little flower one day, Whether it fit well into the world’s way. And knew it not where to it was bound, For it had not, hitherto, its purpose found. It looked at the rose with awe and wonder, And upon its own flaws it began to ponder. The rose was fragrant and delicately made, Whilst it was plain, and in shadows it laid. The mighty rose adorns the hand of a bride, And is fondly every love’s first gift of pride. But our P recious was not so well-known, It stood in a corner, weary and forlorn. Then came a sunbird to suckle its nectar, In that moment P recious felt like a victor. It saw how a rose is a rose, and a lily is a lily, To compare one with other is so lame and silly. Each little thing has a place of its own, An inimitable place none can disown. If the whole world were just one flower, Spring'd have nothing much to shower. You are truly special and one of a kind, Your own sheen in no other soul you’...

The Story Of A Lamb

There was once a little lamb life saw, White as snow, but with a major flaw. He had a limp that made him slow, And to him this was the biggest blow. All his friends would make merry and play, But his wary steps would quiver and sway. Hobbling groggily he would fall far behind, Thus to his own lameness, he was confined. He sat by the river all  gloomy and glum, His mother came by and cuddled him some. He asked his mother why he was this way, With a useless limb, his life looked only grey. His mother kissed him sweetly and gently said, “Don’t you scorn yourselves or doubt a shred. Think not less of yourselves, or be remotely peeved, For isn't it remarkable what you’ve thus far achieved? In your struggles, you’ll find your real strength, For life prepares you thus to go to any length. Turn you pain into power, and grief into glory, And make it the true story of your victory. Embrace yourselves the way you truly are, For thus alo...

At The Sunrise

Mornings, O ever pleasant, joyous mornings, What thrill to my heart are your callings! The sparkling sun glitters at the window sill, Smiling serenely and looking ever so tranquil. Chirpy, little birds begin their morning banter, Welcoming the day with a glorious grandeur. Entranced by their sprightly melodies I embrace, The tender breeze that manifests nature’s grace. Gentle dew drops drape the earth with skillful flair, The canopy of trees whisper in the morning air. Mingled in moist and mist, it drenches my spirit, With a surreal joy no wisdom can truly outwit. I look at the horizon and break into a happy smile, Watching nature’s splendour spreading every mile. The sun fills its canvas with shades ever so intricate, This bewitching beauty can an artist’s brush replicate? #TheLittleThingsInLife #Mornings #Sunrise #Nature By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His beloved Mother in Heaven. You might also like :    The Story O...

The Fine Tune of Nature

Lately, I have developed a kind of fascination for birds - those chirpy little things waking us each morning with their perky little jingles and their endless chatter cheering us through the day. I might have heard these birdsongs a gazillion times before, but it is only now that I have learnt to appreciate the sweet comfort they bring into our lives. It’s a perfect blend of varying sounds and pitches conjoining into a symphonious orchestra of nature. The sad melancholy of the cuckoo, the sprightly joy of the sparrow, the sweet melody of the Indian rock chat, the angry bickering of the common babbler and the spunky alertness of the myna call out to us each day through a legato of tunes, notes and emotions. And just how they manage to bring it all together is a mystery unto itself. A little birdie would begin her throat singing from one corner, and another one from a completely different direction would instantly reciprocate. And the next one would chip in from quite...

Summer Nights and A Starry Sky

Summer nights and the stars so bright, Oh how it fills my heart with delight! The moon adorns its brightest yellow, Can the night be ever so mellow? A little girl serenely looks up at the stars that wink, Wonders what her distant friends at this hour think. She smiles merrily at the moon that so joyfully beams, Grinning mysteriously, in a star spangled sky it gleams. Oh, the splendid beauty that surrounds us all! The sun and the moon, and everything tall. If only we would open our eyes and see, The simple joys that fill us with abundant glee. #TheLittleThingsInLife #Poetry #SummerNights #StarrySky By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His beloved Mother in Heaven.

Do You Love Me?

“Do you love me?”, little Joe asked his mother. She smiled warmly, but spoke not word another. She parted his hair and buttoned his shirt with care, And prepared her son for the day with a silent prayer. With a healthy lunch and the school bag at the ready, Waved him off to school with nothing to brag already. “Do you love me?”, little Joe asked his mother. She smiled warmly, but spoke not word another. Little Joe fell down and bruised a knee that evening, Came running to his mother, weaning and whining. She carried him in her arms, and took him aside, Bandaged his wound, her heart pounding inside. “Do you love me?”, little Joe asked his mother. She smiled warmly, but spoke not word another. Exclaimed his mother as they sat for dinner, “Eat, my baby, for you are getting leaner!” Morning came, and she woke him with a kiss, How could such tender love little Joe ever miss? “Do you love me?”, little Joe need not ask his mother, For her sw...

Breaking Free : A Redemption Story

Off wanted to fly a bird into the open sky, But alas! The poor, little thing had her foot tied. A string pulled her back and would not let her fly, She yelped out in pain, and in misery she cried. She tugged hard at the string, venturing to break free, Budged not the string and slowly her courage waned. She battled against the stubborn string’s spiteful spree, Came crumbling down as her strength fully drained. Then one morning, she decided she’d try with all her might, Shuddered the string a little, and off it began to come loose. The little birdy spread out her wings and prepared for her flight, Saw that she could break free the moment she’d choose. Watching the gallant bird’s conquest, Lizzie learnt to forego, All her fears that tied her down, made her stumble and slack. Silent they fell as Lizzie chose to brave her wretched foe, Valiantly broke free from all things that once held her back. You can break free the moment you choose to. By t...

En Route To Somewhere : Some Quick Quips Along The Way (Part 1)

Life is a beautiful journey. At times, it is also a long, hard, bumpy ride with shaky, potholed, uneven roads. And sometimes, there are no roads – at all. You follow a certain path only to find out that it takes you nowhere. You hit a roadblock, or worse still, it is the end of the road for you. So either you find another way to get to your place, or you make one. Some people might prefer to change their destination, and explore new roads as they unfold. And that is fine too. Who says there’s only one way of doing a thing? And who says one has to rigidly stick to the game plan they first set out with? You can change your plan whenever you choose to, and switch to a bigger, better, more suitable path instead. It’s your life, after all. Do whatever works for you – after considering, of course, the best interests of those that depend on you. Now, if I have not already lost you with all those metaphors, here are a bunch of quick quips that you might find useful no matter what you...

Doing Our Bit The Little Way

We were approaching the end of the financial year, and our Accounts Team was discussing the changes we need to bring about in the new financial year.  I had a little idea that I had long since been mulling over. It had nothing to do with accounts or accounting SOPs whatsoever, but it certainly had something to do with an issue which has long since been very close to my heart - environment. In my own little ways, I try to cut down on my carbon footprints as much as possible, without disrupting the normal routines of a normal life. For example, at work and pretty much everywhere, I try to cut down on the consumption of paper. I print a document only when strictly necessary, avoid taking printed receipts and statements at ATMs, etc.  In fact, if I could have my way, I would totally do away with all kinds of printed  paper work. But since documentation is an integral part of any organizational workflow, that’s not an entirely plausible option. But, now that we...

Pearls Of Wisdom By Atticus Finch

If there’s one book that I would recommend anyone, anytime, it is  To Kill A Mocking Bird  by Harper Lee. This is no  Dan Brown  where you can’t wait to get to the end, or  Harry Potter  where you are transported to a whole new world of spells and spellbinding magic. This book is just an ordinary collection of everyday things that gradually transpires into something truly extraordinary.  Set in the late 1930s, the story revolves around a man called Atticus Finch and his two children, and is neatly woven around the country life of the fictitious Maycomb County in Alabama, US. The narrative, described by Atticus' daughter aged six, invites us to take a fresh look at the world and visualize it from a child's perspective. It also evokes a certain sense of nostalgia as one could easily reminiscence their childhood. 

The Empty Tomb

A young maid in the wee hours of the morning, Approached a tomb with much grief and bemoaning. She went to visit the Lord she so loved to the core, But Mary Magdalene found not what she came looking for. She ran to Peter and John, full of fears unknown, “They have taken the Lord”, she began to groan. Off went the disciples and saw the empty tomb, Linen on the ground and head-cover rolled in gloom. Mary wept and wept, and then she glanced, Upon two angelic figures in white she chanced. Thence saw a man standing, mistook him for the gardener, Spoke the feisty woman with all strength she could garner - “If you have taken him away, tell me where it is; I will go and remove him” her heart beating amiss. “Mary!” exclaimed the Lord, and upon her it dawned, This is her beloved Rabboni of whom she is so fond. #Easter blessings to all. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His beloved Mother in Heaven. You might also like :    The ...