On a Rainy Afternoon

It was a fine Sunday afternoon with the rain pouring outside. I heard the sounds but was too busy watching Sherlock to pay any heed to it. Thankfully, the show came to an end before the rains did and I then turned my attention to the brimming joy of nature. First, I let the sound of rain sink deep into my ears and into my soul, and then I saw the pouring of waters, the swaying of leaves and the green of the grass in my mind’s eye.

As I was basking in the sweetness of my imagination, I asked myselves how long it has been since I got soaked wet in the rains. An image instantly flashed before me - pouring rains, a small bunch of children (toddlers and teenagers alike) splashing and jumping, a massive thunder from the heavens above, followed by an old man glowering down on his grandchildren and rushing them inside the house. It was June 2005, Kerala. We, cousins, had ventured out of the house to indulge ourselves in the tantalizing rains while our grandpa watched on from the veranda. All was fine until it started to thunder. Thundering in Kerala is very severe and even causes people to die sometimes. This must have caused our doting chachan (for that’s how we addressed our beloved grandpa) to come for us and drive us inside the house. 

Aah, memories! Beautiful, fond memories. A beloved friend that pays me occasional visits and allows me to live and re-live those splendid moments!

Coming back to the present, I was grabbed by a sudden desire to do something impulsive. I slipped out of the house noiselessly (didn’t want to wake napping parents), climbed four flights of stairs (didn’t want to get stuck in the elevator in case the power went off) and stepped out into the rain. It was gorgeous, beautiful, soul-soothing and heart-quenching. The goodness of nature seeped through my soul, truly refreshing and truly magnificent. God has made all things beautiful. If only we would open our eyes and see! (Now, why do I feel like I have said that before? Because I have!)

Life is indeed beautiful, and what make the journey worthwhile are the small things in life - the little things in life. It’s about doing small things greatly. It’s about doing what you have to and doing it best, and about giving, believing and trusting. It will become great on its own one day at a time.

Live life beautifully! Cheers to life!

PS: Sherlock S04E03 had been very unnerving and endearing at the same time. While you are utterly flabbergasted by the cold-bloodedness of 5 back-to-back murders (to think that Mycroft was up next!), you feel all your shock and disgust dissolve in a matter of seconds, and are moved to compassion instead, as you begin to realize that the poor girl, though an era-defining genius, was dreadfully sad and miserable inside, and was, in fact, the little girl stuck on the plane not knowing where or how to land.

