I Was Sunk Deep Down In A Valley

I was sunk deep down in a valley,
But now I walk right up the alley.
I faced struggles I could not cope,
But the Lord has given me new hope.

He lifted me up and sat me on a rock,
A rock firm and strong, none can knock.
He is my pillar and my strong fort,
In His arms, do I find comfort.

The Saviour who rose from the dead,
Will guide me through my way ahead.
In Him do I find a life ever new,
His love is a joy that I never knew.

Without you I can do nothing,
Indeed, in you I find everything.
Oh Lord, let me always follow thee,
And I thank you for calling unto me.

Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen

#hopeinGod #God’sloveneverends
