
Showing posts from July, 2018

Of A Precious, Little Flower

Wondered a precious, little flower one day, Whether it fit well into the world’s way. And knew it not where to it was bound, For it had not, hitherto, its purpose found. It looked at the rose with awe and wonder, And upon its own flaws it began to ponder. The rose was fragrant and delicately made, Whilst it was plain, and in shadows it laid. The mighty rose adorns the hand of a bride, And is fondly every love’s first gift of pride. But our P recious was not so well-known, It stood in a corner, weary and forlorn. Then came a sunbird to suckle its nectar, In that moment P recious felt like a victor. It saw how a rose is a rose, and a lily is a lily, To compare one with other is so lame and silly. Each little thing has a place of its own, An inimitable place none can disown. If the whole world were just one flower, Spring'd have nothing much to shower. You are truly special and one of a kind, Your own sheen in no other soul you’...

The Story Of A Lamb

There was once a little lamb life saw, White as snow, but with a major flaw. He had a limp that made him slow, And to him this was the biggest blow. All his friends would make merry and play, But his wary steps would quiver and sway. Hobbling groggily he would fall far behind, Thus to his own lameness, he was confined. He sat by the river all  gloomy and glum, His mother came by and cuddled him some. He asked his mother why he was this way, With a useless limb, his life looked only grey. His mother kissed him sweetly and gently said, “Don’t you scorn yourselves or doubt a shred. Think not less of yourselves, or be remotely peeved, For isn't it remarkable what you’ve thus far achieved? In your struggles, you’ll find your real strength, For life prepares you thus to go to any length. Turn you pain into power, and grief into glory, And make it the true story of your victory. Embrace yourselves the way you truly are, For thus alo...