Small Hands, Big Deeds!
It’s been quite some time since I showed up here. It’s not because I had been short of things to share, it’s because I had been short of time to write. It took me some time to settle down in my new job and adjust with the shift in my daily routine. Now, that I am settled – or as settled as I ever could be – I have decided that it’s time to get back in action. As somebody reminded me at work yesterday, you always need to do something which you do just for yourself and your personal happiness . Well, for me it’s my blog, said I! A lot has happened in the last couple of months – the tiny tot who inspired me to write my first blog post has turned two now and is now rapidly developing into a chatter box; I am enjoying my profession to the core; my students love me and I love my students (talking about them would take a whole new blog page!); I have made some new friends; I have learnt and am learning many new things each day; my most favorite teacher passed away last week, it was horr...